Littoral et courant d’Huchet

Let's protect the wonders that Nature offers us

Photo Copyright @Sébastien Chebassier


Our Green Approach

Your surf school in Messanges on the French Atlantic Coast is concerned about the preservation of the environment. We take part to a environmentally friendly commitment.

Sustainable Tourism

We are currently validating a Sustainable agreement managed by the “Pays Adour Landes Océanes” organization, which brings together committed tourism professionals, the objectives being:

  • contribute to the preservation and enhancement of natural spaces, essential assets of the territory
  • promote the local economy (jobs, products, actors)
  • foster exchanges (between the territories and the different actors) and meetings (guests-visitors)
  • offer a wide range of services and benefits accessible to all

Support to Surfrider Foundation Europe

We are partners of Surfrider Foundation Europe and we are committed alongside it to carrying and defending common values: the defence, safeguard, enhancement and sustainable management of the ocean, waves, coastline and the population that enjoys it. Surfrider Foundation Europe Surfrider acts on 3 main themes: marine litter, coastal development and climate change, water quality and user health.


We strive to strengthen our daily eco-gestures: saving water and energy, selective sorting of our waste, responsible purchases (Useful? Usable? To be Used?), recycling of equipment and device at the end of life…

Limitation of digital pollution

We implement actions to minimize our impact via digital pollution: cleaning of the mailbox, unsubscribing to uninteresting mailings, measured sending of emailings and posts on social networks…

Eco-designed material

Indeed, we have chosen the brand Soöruz for our surf wetsuits: it is the first French brand to have integrated oyster shell powder into the neoprene.
In addition, our Sufwear collection in the colors of the school is now exclusively based on organic cotton or recycled materials.

Public awareness

We try to make our visitors aware of the preservation of our planet, which offers us the best and suffers from our irresponsible behavior… Awareness tools are displayed at the surf school and tools created by Surfrider Europe are offered to groups.

Check our surf course offer and reserve online !

Sunset surf at Messanges

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